Radiating the Gospel

6pm at Church

About Philippians

Jesus found Paul and in Jesus, Paul found a righteousness that wasn’t his own. This lifted his entire life from the pressure of performing and into the realm of simply trusting the value of what Jesus has done for Him. This value secured for Paul a joy that looked at circumstances as ways to radiate Christ to others. This letter is all about that radiation and how to become infected by it. It is caught, it is not earned. And it causes a new outlook on life, on how we see others, how we view suffering and hardships, on where we go for comfort in the times of anxiety, how we sort of difficulties, how we view others, how we hold on to the things of this life, who we are as people, what our ambition is and ultimately, where our joy comes from.

The young Church in Philippi needed to be reminded of this, to keep on radiating Christ. This short letter is written to Paul's dear friends, and he desires to see them keep on maturing in Christ.

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippains 1:21


The Beginning

See how the church began in Acts 16:6-40 and how the gospel began changing lives.


The Reason

See why Paul wrote this short letter filled with joy to his dear friends.


In Christ

The opening 2 verses explain the concept of In Christ - a phrase repeated 10 times in the book


Servants and Saints

What does Paul mean by saying that the believers are both saints and servants in Christ?

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Version 1 | Version 2 | Version 3


I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of
knowing Christ Jesus my Lord

Philippains 3:8